Sunday, January 31, 2010

Windows XP fast user switch disconnects wireless connection

I got a new wireless router last month, a linksys WAG120N and after setting it up I discovered that I couldn't establish wireless connectivity from another user profile on Windows XP when doing a fast user switch.

The first profile that was logged on and connected worked fine, but if that user remained logged on and I switched to another user then the second user could not connect.

So after battling with this for a month I finally managed to find a work-around, which I will share here in the hope that it reduces frustration amongst other long suffering souls.

1) Log into your routers configuration page something like
2) Navigate to the wireless security settings
3) Set the security mode to WEP
3.1) Be aware or the security risks :
4) Generate or enter keys, and remember which key is set as the active key.
5) Save settings.
6) Remove your old wireless connection profile.
7) Add a new wireless connection profile using the WEP key from above.
8) Check connectivity
9) Fast user switch to another profile
10) Repeat steps 6), 7), 8) & 9) until all profiles are working.

I saw this question asked on google answers without an answer:

Subversive vs Subclipse

OK, so I've been playing around with subversive a bit more and I've changed my preference from subclipse to subversive.
However I the last time that I did a clean installation from scratch on Galileo it was still a bit of a mission, I had to install components from both the Eclipse update site and from the Polarion update site.